- | Automation & ICT
- | Artificial intelligence and machine learning
- | Automation software and services
- | IoT Sensors and Monitoring solutions
- | Maintenance services and technology solutions
- | Simulation and visualisation technology
- | Software - geological
- | Software - mine planning and design
- | Software - operational
- | Equipment
- | Mobile equipment (non-vehicle)
- | Exploration & Construction
- | Blasting equipment, technology and services
- | Drilling software, technology and services
- | Training (specialised mining)
- | Safety consulting and manangement services
- | Tailings and waste management technologies and services
Maptek has been at the forefront of innovative mining technology for decades. Our solutions target all mining types and commodities, providing the link between the geological, spatial design and execution stages and safe, productive operations.
Maptek believes that to make mining more efficient, miners should be enabled to make better decisions. That’s why we are focused on providing integrated decision-making support solutions. This integration is particularly important as it enables us to turn data into knowledge at every stage of the mining life cycle. Ultimately by fully integrating that knowledge, Maptek wants to change the way mining is done forever.
31 Flemington StreetGlenside
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3D mine planning & geological modelling
Machine learning assisted domain modelling
3D laser scanning & imaging
Point cloud processing & analysis
Safe, reliable system to keep people and equipment safe underground
DomainMCF is a new paradigm for domain modelling which applies machine learning to rapidly create resource models.
Vulcan GeologyCore lets you update resource and production models more frequently, easily and confidently, providing you with models based on the most accurate and recent information.
Open pit and underground mines use Sentry to sustain safe operating environments and meet crucial safety targets.
Maptek develops versatile, easy to use laser scanning hardware and software solutions designed for mine survey and mapping tasks.