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Austmine 2023

Roobuck's Tracking System

Roobuck Pty Ltd Stand: 329

System Parts

  • Infrastructure: WiFi or LTE networks
  • System Software: Supplied by your preferred solutions partner to integrate with Roobuck IoT tracking devices
  • Tracking tags and supporting software is supplied by Roobuck

WiFi Tracking

Every WiFi Tag also has BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy).
AP (Access Points) must be installed to achieve 100% coverage, typically 100m between two APs, or to cover areas where tracking is required. The nearest  AP and signal strength determine the Tag location.

LTE Tracking

Every LTE Tag also includes WiFi/BLE as supplementary. Tags communicate with a Base Station through BDAs (Bi-Directional Amplifiers), typically 300m between two BDAs. A Tag receives the ID from the nearest Beacon then sends it to nearby BDAs.

LTE tracking solution is currently under development. Please see Roobuck for more information.

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